Christopher David Rosales teaches at universities and literary organizations across Colorado. To inquire about speaking engagements and events, or one-on-one consultations, please get in touch directly.
Christopher David Rosales has been teaching writing and literature to adults and teens for over 13 years. His hybrid seminars and workshops incorporate critical theory, popular cultural studies, popular criminology, socio-historical contextualization, and creative writing. He believes in reflective and experiential learning to open minds, forge narratives across national and global landscapes, or encourage collaboration.
Writing Workshops have covered topics from writing the novel, short story, and flash fiction to comedy and screenwriting, along with workshops for teachers on revising the workshop model in the classroom.
Literature and Craft courses integrate literature, film, and music, and have included novel-reading for the writer, reading and writing crime/noir from Poe to Pulp Fiction in literature and film, urban slang and the language of hip hop in contemporary American literature, and the myth and mythology of authentic blues.
Speaking & Events
Speaking engagements have included university commencements, readings, and literary festivals and conferences across the United States. Topic specialties include: diversity and representation in literature and publishing; form and experimentation; writing into and against popular genres such as crime/noir and thrillers.
Editing & Consulting
Big picture and developmental revision, line editing, complete manuscripts or works-in-progress: all projects are welcome. Rosales specializes in narrative engagement across genres, which means working with you to zero in on your story or memoir’s pulse, then vividly dramatizing choice scenes and details to keep your reader hooked. Forms: Novels, stories or collections, memoirs, personal essays, screenplays and interdisciplinary adaptations.
Rates are based on industry standard and are calculated according to each project. Costs will be discussed and confirmed prior to signing an agreement.